Milk Powder Support for Needy Infants
Location: Riverside Community, Sarlahi, Nepal
Objective: Provide essential nutrition support to needy infants through milk powder and baby bottles.
Background: Infants in the Riverside community of Sarlahi, Nepal, face nutritional challenges due to economic hardships. Many families struggle to afford basic necessities, including adequate nutrition for their infants. The provision of milk powder and baby bottles will ensure that these vulnerable infants receive the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and development.
Project Components:
- Milk Powder Distribution:
- Each pack of milk powder costs approximately $7.
- Target to distribute a specified number of packs based on identified needs.
- Baby Bottles:
- Each baby bottle costs approximately $1.
- Provide bottles along with milk powder to ensure proper feeding and hygiene.
Implementation Plan:
- Needs Assessment:
- Conduct a thorough assessment to determine the number of infants in need and their specific requirements.
- Procurement and Distribution:
- Procure milk powder and baby bottles from reliable suppliers.
- Organize distribution logistics to ensure timely and equitable delivery to families in need.
- Monitoring and Support:
- Monitor the distribution process to ensure effective utilization of resources.
- Guide proper feeding practices and hygiene to caregivers.
- Milk Powder:
- Cost per pack: $7
- Total estimated cost based on needs assessment.
- Baby Bottles:
- Cost per bottle: $1
- Total estimated cost based on needs assessment.
Call to Action Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of these vulnerable infants. By contributing to milk powder packs or baby bottles, you can ensure that they receive essential nutrition during their critical early years. Together, we can provide hope and health to those who need it most.
Conclusion: The provision of milk powder and baby bottles to needy infants in the Riverside community, Sarlahi, Nepal, is a crucial initiative that addresses immediate nutritional needs and supports healthy development. Your participation in this project will have a direct and positive impact on the lives of these infants and their families.